When your personal loan application gets denied, it can be disappointing. Most people are also puzzled. Even people with strong credit scores can get denied, and it makes them wonder why. Below are a few common reasons why banks deny personal loan applications so the next time you apply for one, you’ll know what and what not to do.
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Bad credit score
Let’s get the most obvious reason out of the way. When you have a bad credit score, lenders are most likely to deny your personal loan applications. Your credit score is what tells banks the likelihood of you paying them back for the loan. If your track record is not very good when it comes to paying what you owe, chances are your bank will be resistant to granting you loans.
The loan amount is too high
Lenders will take into account your capacity to pay back when you apply for a loan. When you fill out that loan application form and put in too high of an amount in the “desired loan amount” field, banks will most likely deny your application. To avoid this mistake, use an online loan calculator. Loan calculators can tell you how much you can borrow given your current income.
Unstable employment record
Because banks consider your ability to pay the loan off in the long run, they will be looking at your employment record. So if you have an unstable employment record or worse, no employment at all, banks will be hesitant to grant your loan application. Lenders will require certain employment tenure or length of service, which is why banks typically require you to submit a certificate of employment.
Insufficient income
When you don’t make enough to apply for a loan, you will most likely not get approved. You need to be able to make the monthly loan repayments, and If you do not make enough money to pay them and at the same time address your basic needs as well, lenders will not grant you a loan. This is because you are most likely to use your income for your basic needs than to pay off the loan.
You have too much debt
When you apply for a personal loan, your bank will do a background check to see if you have any outstanding loans. This is so they are sure that you have the capacity to pay. If you meet the minimum income requirement and have a good credit score but have several outstanding loans, they will most likely be hesitant to grant you another one. The more loans you have, the less capacity you have to pay back an additional loan.
How you fill out the loan application
If you have any mistakes or inconsistencies in your loan application, lenders might not grant you your personal loan. Your data needs to be complete, correct, and consistent. Lying on your application will get you denial and could possibly land you on your bank’s bad side.
Consider the list above the next time you apply for a personal loan. Make sure you fill out the application completely and honestly, have a good credit score and enough income to make the payments, and make sure you’ve been employed a while.